There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.” For positive and lasting change to happen, we must always remember that it requires a collective effort. Individually, one can accomplish a lot. Together though, we can accomplish so much more.
It was such an honor to partner again w/my friends at the St Croix’s American Federation of Teachers to return to the Virgin Islands to serve as the opening keynote speaker for their 42nd Annual TEACH Conference.

These incredible educators are striving for fare compensation, new materials, equipment & improved working conditions so that they can better serve the children in their communities.
During our time together we discussed the importance of team work, the need for support, collaboration, and pooling together resources to meet the needs and requirements to achieve their goals.
We All Need Support
There are many steps to getting where you want to go and accomplishing a goal. We all benefit from having a cheerleader in our corner, someone to give us encouragement, validation, and support, especially when times are challenging or we aren’t sure what the next step is. Having community, peers, and mentors is important when working toward something you want to accomplish.
Asking For Help: Building Resourcefulness
It takes courage and vulnerability to ask for help and recognize when collaborating and working together for a common goal is much easier than working on one’s own. When you work together you are able to go much further than if you were to do it alone.
Utilize Your Resources
If you don’t know something, ask. There are many resources available to you if you are willing to take the time to educate yourself and learn about all the possibilities that will help you succeed in reaching your goal. Find someone who has experience in what you are trying to accomplish and ask them for advice or support. People love to help!
Doing things on your own might help you go faster in reaching your goals and it gives you a sense of accomplishment, competence, and confidence. But, when you work together with a team, you have more support when faced with obstacles, more resources, and the benefit of each person adding their strengths, input, and experience. And a team with whom to celebrate success!