This was my second year partnering with ISACA for their IT and Cyber Security Expo in August. We had an amazing event with 200+ cyber security leaders! We engaged in conversations around the art of connecting and how to move beyond differences in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives in order to connect with others, personally and professionally.
We also held an engaging workshop on how to create momentum in your life when working toward goals, especially during challenging times.
To gain momentum and make progress toward reaching your goals, it is important to follow what I refer to as your GPS: set clear GOALS, understand your PURPOSE, and create a STRATEGY for success.
When you get specific about what your goals are you gain clarity around what it is you want to accomplish. The next step is knowing the purpose behind why you want to accomplish these goals, what the driving force and motivation is. This is very important, because when you run into challenges and obstacles, it is your WHY that will help push you through difficult times. And finally, having a strategy that you can follow will allow you to track your progress along the way. Break things down into actionable steps that you can accomplish one by one-this will help you feel like you are making progress and continue the momentum. By following this method you are more likely to build confidence in achieving success.

It is important to remember that every action you take is forward momentum. Remember, progress, no matter how small, is still an achievement. Stay focused and invest your time and energy wisely towards your goal.